Monday, October 31, 2011

Give a Gift Certificate

Are you already thinking about the holidays?  Don't know what to give?  Well, here's a solution for ya!  Book a session with me and receive two free gift certificates - one for you and one to share!  When your family gets together this Thanksgiving, round 'em all up for a family photo and say "cheese!"

Gardner Village {Witchfest 2011}

For the last couple of years I've been hearing about Gardner Village in West Jordan, but I've never actually gone and checked it out.  So I packed up the kids and went with some family to Witchfest 2011.  And boy, was it a witchfest!  The whole place was decked out with bigger-than-life size witches in various displays - they were riding bikes, playing the organ, cooking up potions, and brewing up their magic.  Add in face-painting, candy stores, witch hats & toys for sale, and nearly everybody walking around in witch costumes and you've got yourself a fun day filled with enchantment.  If you're in the area, check it out!  What fun things do you do for Halloween?

Hoot Owl Cookies


Hoot Owl cookies are one of my favorite Halloween treats that I grew up with.  I've never tried making them before, but this year I got a little more ambitious.  So after receiving detailed instructions from the Master (my mom), I gave it a try.  They were slightly more difficult than I anticipated, but all in all, not too bad.  I was mildly frustrated during the process as my owls were falling apart, but luckily after some mending and baking in the oven, they turned out ok.  In case you're interested, here's how to make them:

Make a double batch of sugar cookie dough:
1/4 c. butter
1/2 c. shortening
1 c. sugar
2 eggs
1/2 tsp. vanilla
2 1/2 c. flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt

Mix butter, shortening, sugar, eggs, and vanilla thoroughly.  Measure flour by dipping method or by sifting.  Stir flour, baking powder, and salt together; blend in.  Divide dough in half.  Blend 2 squares unsweetened chocolate (2 oz)*, melted and cooled, into one half.  Chill at least one hour.  Roll chocolate dough into two 10-inch oblong "snakes."  Roll out half of white dough onto a large piece of flour-covered waxed paper.  Place chocolate snake on top of  white dough and roll the white dough around the chocolate snake.  Do the same with the other chocolate snake.  Chill snake rolls again for at least an hour.  Heat oven to 400.  Remove waxed paper from dough rolls and cut into 1/8" thick slices.  Position two slices next to each other on an ungreased baking sheet.  Pat the rolls together and pinch upper corners to resemble ears.  Place chocolate chips on each dark circle for eyes and a whole cashew in the middle for a beak.  Bake 8-10 minutes or until lightly browned.

*I didn't actually use baker's chocolate.  Since I only had big chocolate chips specifically made for dipping (Wilton brand), I just used that and they still taste great.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Doesn't Belong {Assignments}

So here is my second ever entry for the DPS assignments.  Assignment: find something that doesn't belong.  All week long I kept singing to myself, "One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong..."  Here's my submission:

Another one I took (not submitted):

And a close-up, just for fun:

Monday, October 10, 2011

Close-Ups {Weekly Challenge}

So as I was out driving around Provo canyon searching for my street signs pictures, I decided to drive up Squaw Peak road.  It is GORGEOUS up there!  I love driving up that road and looking at the beautiful view of the valley. 

So anyway, I was up at the top of the road taking some pictures, but since I had been gone from home way longer than I said I was going to be (oops!), I decided I better go.  On my way down, I rounded a curve with a totally awesome view and decided to flip around and park for just a few more shots.  (It's kind of how I think when I'm fishing: "just one more cast...")  So I ended up getting some close-up shots of some plants with the setting sun in the background.  Take a look and let me know what you think!  (By the way, constructive criticism is more than welcome.)  :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Street Signs {Assignment}

So here's the first assignment that I've tackled for the DPS (Digital Photography School).  The assignment was pretty easy: find a street sign that's interesting.  I decided to take a drive up Provo Canyon and see if I could find a "Slow" sign and experiment with motion blur of cars passing by.  Well, I had no luck in my search for a "Slow" sign - so instead, I decided to drive up by Sundance to see if I could find anything interesting.  I did!  I found some quaint street signs that I just had to stop and photograph.  And the scenery was so beautiful with the fall leaves and all, I stopped for a few other shots.  The last one of Bridal Veil Falls was taken with me hanging out of my car - just a shot for fun because I love the falls.  I love living among the mountains.  They're so majestic!

Challenges & Assignments {Digital Photography School}

I am now a member of the Digital Photography School Community Forum, and every week or two there are assignments and weekly challenges where photographers can submit their work.  With every assignment or challenge, there's a new topic or some new aspect of photography to experiment with and explore.  I'll be posting some pics from these challenges and assignments, so stay tuned!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Welcome, welcome!

Hey, all!  Welcome to my new blog!  Since I am an aspiring arteest, I figured this could be a helpful outlet for my creative ventures.  I'm new to photography, but I have engrossed myself in portrait photography and am LOVING it!  I'm tyring to be patient with myself as I learn the trade, but you know how easy it is to be hard on yourself, right?  I have a long way to go until I achieve what I envision in my head.  In the mean time, I will just keep plugging away.  So check back often to see pictures of my latest photo shoots and other interests.